John and Pam Richetta wanted to make sure that their rescue boxers were eating healthy. They purchased some sirloin and created a blend that was dog friendly and additive-free. Impressed by their blend, Rick Rogers asked for the recipe and started selling it as a bulk product under the name The Barefoot Biscuit Company reports The Express-Times.
The Richettas would make a 40-pound batch of food once a month and freeze it. Combined with brown rice, peas, carrots and spinach, the mix provided the maximum amount of nutrition for their rescue boxers without any chemicals or byproducts that could cause additional health complications.
“What bothered us the most is that you don’t know what those byproducts are,” Richetta says.
Rogers asked the Richettas for their recipe so he could make it in 800-pound bulk batches for Din Din Doggie to be sold under the label of The Barefoot Biscuit Company.
Din Din Doggie has no preservatives, artificial flavors, colors or added chemicals. The mix is fit for human consumption, Richetta adds.
“It’s real simple — five ingredients,” Rogers says. “It’s slow, kettle-cooked and sold in frozen two-pound tubs for $6.”
Rogers hopes to get his product into national chains such as Petco, but for now he’s forming a niche in the smaller, regional pet shops.
Photo by laffy4k