New Year Resolutions For Entrepreneurs

Have you made any business resolutions for the New Year? While many people set personal goals based around the idea of dieting, many business owners are looking for ways to help fatten up their earnings. Reuters has posted a list of resolutions that might help inspire you.

Social Media

Do whatever it takes to get out of your comfort zone and into your “power place” to grow your business. Embrace change and new technologies, including social sites. Choose what works best for reaching your target market, and run with it. Most important: Have fun. — Starr Hall, Social Media


In 2011, show up to the meetings that you would have passed on previously. Never underestimate the power of face-to-face meetings for building stronger relationships and connections with your prospects and customers. Activity creates opportunity. — Barry Farber, Make the Sale

Starting Young

Forget the mantra of “work hard, get good grades and go to school to get a job.” For too long, young people have been force-fed this nonsense from their parents and mentors. It’s stifling their income generating potential. Gen Y needs to become the most entrepreneurial generation in history. — Scott Gerber, Never Get a “Real” Job

Photo by Eustaquio Santimano

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