Inventing is a fun pastime for Annie Pryor, but as a busy mom to three kids her focus really seems to stick on family. That is why her latest invention, a baby bib drying rack, comes as no surprise. She was having trouble trying to find places for wet bibs to hang and dry. When a solution didn’t present itself, she created one reports Dayton Daily News.
“The bibs were driving me nuts, so I went shopping to find something to dry them on,” said Pryor, who looked at banana hangers, fingertip towel holders and mug trees, but remained unsatisfied. “Some people put the bibs on the faucet to dry, but as a stay-at-home mom, I use the sink every 10 minutes. I just said, I want to invest in a drying rack.”
Pryor bought a book about inventing products and then sat down with her husband to design a metal rack. She sent a sketch of the design to a manufacturer in Indiana, who made prototypes in black and silver metal. Pryor was surprised when the first 10 produced sold immediately. A second order of 100 also sold quickly, so she put in an order for 250 racks. In addition to selling the racks on the Internet, Pryor also has them displayed at Cutie Patooties, a children’s store in Centerville. The racks can be bought individually, or as a gift set containing organic cotton washcloths and two polyester, waterproof bibs with pockets.
“I thought other mothers would like it, because it simplifies the process of using bibs,” Pryor said.
Photo from The Bib Drying Rack