LaMar’s Donuts has launched the 2012 Presidential Donut Poll, a reprise of the 2008 (unscientific) survey in which customers were able to select from two limited-edition donuts on sale during the election season: the “Dough-Bama,” a donkey-shaped donut with blue sugar frosting and representing Democratic candidate Barack Obama, or the elephant-shaped “McCandyCain” donut with red sugar, representing Republican nominee John McCain.
For the 2012 poll, LaMar’s customers will choose similarly from the “Dough-Bama” and the “Mitt Yum-ney,” each shaped and decorated according to the corresponding political party’s identity.
The donuts will be sold from Sept. 1 through Oct. 31, and LaMar’s will track sales and release polling results throughout October on its website at lamars.com.