When you’re starting up a business while you’re already self-employed, there are multiple elements to consider. It might seem simple to apply for Uncle Buck payday loans and begin spending, for instance. However, this option is only for emergency purposes. You should never use this for business funding. However, there are alternative ways that you can fund a business. We look at a few of these ways below.
Business Funding from Your Bank
Starting a new business of your own can be daunting and challenging under any circumstances. However, this is especially true when finances are a concern.
Nonetheless, with business funding from your bank, you can borrow anywhere from £1,000-£50,000. Depending on your circumstances and your business plan, you might even be able to borrow more. The interest rates are often fixed. However, some lenders offer unsecured alternatives for those who don’t have the assets to offer as collateral. This can be beneficial for a start-up business. That’s because the interest rate on the money you have borrowed for your business will not change with inflation or the state of the economy.
Although this may seem too simple to be effective, you could raise money for your startup business by borrowing from your friends and family. Despite potentially taking longer than it would to apply for business funding from a commercial lender, this approach will reassure you that your loved ones believe in you and your dreams for your business. Additionally, any loans you accept from friends and family might have more lenient terms than you would get from another lender.
Credit Card
Applying for a credit card for business funding, generally speaking, is probably not wise. However, this approach can prove beneficial in some cases. For example, if you find yourself in a situation in which you need to react quickly to an investment opportunity, a credit card could come to the rescue. Moreover, if you are confident in your ability to pay the balance off with your next round of income, using a credit card might even be a good idea.
You could apply for a company credit card with a fixed rate in these cases. Moreover, a company credit card could benefit your business, as it will allow you to build up your businesses credit. Additionally, it could help to pay for equipment you need right away.
Government Grants
When you are self-employed in the UK, it is important to register with HM Revenue and Customs. This will tell the government that you are making money as a self-employed business, and you will then be on the government database.
You might then be eligible for some form of government grant for starting your business. In many cases, this can help you to find your business funding without using money out of your own pocket. With a government grant, for example, you could have funds for paying rent on an office space and sprucing up your working environment.
Which Path Will You Choose?
There are multiple ways that you can find business funding without getting yourself into financial difficulty. Which path will you choose?