Featured image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay
A holiday in Japan may not be feasible at the moment. However, if you’ve been working hard on your business and you just need a break, you could visit an online casino (オンラインカジノ).
It might not match your fantasy of visiting a land-based casino in Japan. However, doing so will give you a fun break from your work and put you in a good frame of mind.
What to Do When You Visit Japan
When you finally do get to visit Japan, you’ll likely arrive first at Narita Airport. From there, your natural first stop will of course be Tokyo, where you’ll find plenty to see and do.
After that, you might want to take the bullet train to Kyoto and Osaka, as many visitors do. While you’re in Osaka, be sure to enjoy some ramen or some of the other delicious food you’ll find there. You’re unlikely to be disappointed. This city is known as the “kitchen” of Japan, and the city is geared toward good times and fun.
A pleasant time to visit Japan is in the autumn. At this time of the year, the fall foliage will be colorful and the temperatures will be mild. If you’re an animal lover, you won’t want to miss the city of Nara, where deer roam free in a park of the same name. The deer will politely bow their thanks if you feed them crackers there.
Following are more suggestions for places to visit in Japan.
You’ll Find No Casinos at the Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine in Kyoto
The original building in this important shrine, one of the most famous in all of Japan, dates back to the year 711. Located in the prefecture of Kyoto, Fushimi Inari-taisha is one of many shrines in Japan that honor Inari, the deity of rice, considered important for business and success.
When you visit a shrine in Japan, it is important to pay your respects properly. To do so, ring the bell if there is one, then bow twice, clap twice, and finally bow once.
The famous red Torii gates of Fushimi Inari-taisha adorn many a postcard. And the shrine itself is truly lovely, as it sits at the base of Mount Inari. But while the scenery is breathtaking, you might not want a leisurely stroll when you visit this shrine. Instead, your outing could require arduous hiking on steep pathways, especially if you decide to hike to the top of the mountain.
Enjoy the Colorful Nightlife in Tokyo’s Kabuki-Cho
In stark contrast to the quiet you likely found on the serene pathways of Fushimi Inari-taisha, the busy streets of Tokyo’s red light district will keep you up all night. The district got its name in the 1940’s when developers in China and Japan planned to build a kabuki theater here. The theater never materialized, but the district still bears the name Kabuki-cho.
Scores of small bars, shops, restaurants, and movie theaters line streets that beckon with colorful neon lights. Home as well to love hotels and host and hostess clubs, its busy nightlife has led Kabuki-cho to sometimes be called “Sleepless Town.”
Where Will You Find a Casino in Japan?
Most gambling is illegal in Japan. However, placing bets on horse racing and motorsports is legal. You can also find pachinko parlors where you can win prizes (but no cash).
Most people who live in Japan who want to gamble must go to foreign-owned online casinos. There, they can find traditional Western games such as blackjack, poker, roulette, and the like.
However, the laws in Japan are changing, and casino operators are now bidding to run casinos at certain resorts. In coming years, you may be able to find casinos in Japan in Osaka, Yokohama, and Tokyo. Current law will allow only overseas visitors to Japan to visit these casinos. They will be off-limits to Japanese citizens, at least for now.

Image by Sofia Terzoni from Pixabay
You Will Find Lots to Do in Japan
Japan is a colorful and fascinating country, and you’ll find plenty to do among its vibrant cities, in its beautiful gardens, and around its rugged mountains. Nonetheless, when you reach your hotel room in the evenings, and you find you need to rest from your strenuous travels, be sure to take some time to visit an online Japan casino, too.