Featured image by Michael Tavrionov via Pixabay
We already know just how vital water is for our health. We hear about the endless benefits of drinking more water. Also, we hear we will enjoy better metabolism, clearer skin, healthier gut, and more. That’s easy to fathom, but does the quality of the water you are drinking affect the effectiveness of water’s benefits? And just how clean is the water you are consuming? Even more importantly, should you purchase a water filter for your home or place of business?
Although most of the water we receive in our homes and businesses is municipally treated water, it still may not be 100 percent purified. Introducing water filters is the next best thing. You might not think about it, but water mineral balance, excess chlorine, or pH levels determine how high the water quality is. Water filters not only ensure the safety of your water from possible pathogens and contaminants but guarantee that water is tip-top quality.
If you’re looking to find out more about water, water filters, and all the information you might ever need regarding buying a water filter, then you’ve come to the right place. Let’s explore what might be in your water, the importance and benefits of water filters, as well as which filter is right for you.
What’s in Your Water?
Your water might look crystal clear, but the chances of it being fully pure are pretty low. Water supplied in our homes has to go through multiple water treatments and be pushed through miles of pipes to get to us. Here are some of the substances, chemicals, and minerals your water may contain:
- Chlorine and chloramines
- Essential minerals such as magnesium and calcium
- Hard metals
- Fluoride
- Pathogens (various strains of bacteria and viruses)
You might be wondering how your crystal clear water can contain such a large number of substances, but it is inevitable. We might understand how essential minerals make their way into the water. These should be present within the water and are crucial for our health. But what about the rest? Here is a breakdown of how easily some of these substances and hard metals might make their way into your water.
Chlorination and Fluoridation
Chlorination is a method used around the world to sanitize public water supplies. Chlorine is the main chemical to disinfect water from all harmful contaminants. It aims to eliminate all traces of water-borne diseases before the water reaches the vast population. Though much of the chlorine might dissipate before our consumption, there still are traces of it present in the water we consume. Chlorine is largely harmless, but high exposure to it can have a drastic side effect in the long run. Clean water is an absolute must and if you are looking for ways to rid your tap water of chlorine, use this guide to know more.
Fluoride is not as common as chlorine due to its severe drawbacks. What’s more, some experts consider it a toxic substance. It is not used in the majority of the countries, but fluoride might make its way into our waters, as it still is used as a means to sanitize the water in certain countries.
In-Transit Contamination
Water has to travel for miles upon miles to get to our homes. It is inevitable for some in-transit water contamination to occur. This can happen due to seepage with faulty or old pipes, pipe corrosion, and chlorine-resistant microorganisms, among many other troubles. Chlorine has longer staying power than other disinfectants, but that does not always prevent in-transit contamination.
Accidental Contamination
Most of the time, accidental water contamination is not the case, but we also have to consider the possibility of accidents happening at the source that lead to contamination. A problem can occur at the treatment facility. However, as long as the matter is discovered in a timely fashion, there are no issues. Nonetheless, we can never be too sure.
Why Do You Need a Water Filter?
We already alluded to the importance of water filters, but why exactly do you need a water filter? The number-one reason for many is the ease of mind and feeling of security they have knowing their water is that much cleaner and free of possible contaminants. This will keep you at peace.
We also discussed how the water you consume might have numerous substances present within it. Having a water filter will help regulate these troubles and rid the water of:
- Excess levels of chlorine
- Toxic water contaminants
- Water-borne infections
- Hard metals
Though filter makes and types differ in what they can offer, most water filters will keep your water cleaner at the bare minimum. We suggest installing a water filter to keep your mind at ease, but the benefits of installing a water filter don’t end there.
We have more advantages to explore with you. Keep on reading to see what other benefits water filters can bring to your home and place of business.
Benefits of a Water Filtration System
Though filter types differ, there is a base level of filtration that most of the water filters on the market can provide.
Full Sanitation
You can rest assured knowing that most, if not all of the bacteria, viruses, infections, and chemicals are removed from the water you are consuming. Full water sanitation will keep your bodily functions working well, improve nutritional absorption, give you better digestion, and increase your metabolism.
Reduced Hard Water Deposits
Hard water deposits happen due to the sheer number of hard metals and substances that make their way into your water. Hard water deposits, limescale, mineral build-up, and corrosion are the result of hard water. Though not all filters can, certain water filters have the ability to soften hard water, eliminating all these troubles at once. Your showers and sinks won’t be clogged as easily and will be running smoothly for longer.
Better Taste
Excess minerals and chlorine often lead to unpalatable water taste and odor. Unbearable water taste or odor might deter you from wanting to consume your daily water intake. Water filters can eliminate excess chlorine and minerals, delivering water you can drink with no trouble.
How Do Water Filters Differ?
You might be wondering just how much water filters can differ. Quite frankly, they can differ immensely. Water filters can differ in their price, in their technological advancement, and in their ability to filter out the smallest particles. Here are a few of the most popular water filters you can find on the market.
Sediment Water Filters
One of the most common filters, though very basic in its filtration capability, is the sediment filter. As the name suggests, the sediment filter aims to filter out mostly sediments, meaning it will filter larger particles or sediments. These filters are common due to their affordable price and easy accessibility, but they might not be sufficient for thorough filtration.
Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection
Ultraviolet disinfection water filters work by implementing UV rays as their main method of eliminating bacteria. They are highly effective and can even filter out chlorine-resistant microorganisms. However, a UV filter might need help from other filters such as sediment filters to avoid missing any microorganisms. This is because the UV filter travels in a straight line. This drawback, alongside the high price tag, might not be an attractive offer to some.
Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Water Filter
Another prevalent water filter is the granular activated carbon (GAC) filter. GAC filters operate on raw carbon material, which filters out unwanted substances once they are activated through a heated surface. This is a highly rated water filter that can remove a large majority of water contaminants.
Reverse Osmosis Water Filters
Reverse osmosis filters are one of the most powerful water filters on the market. RO utilizes pressure to have water pass through a semipermeable membrane, eliminating 99% of water contaminants. Though it is one of the most powerful filters, its high price deters many from purchasing this filter.
Vortex Treatment Water Filters
Last but definitely not least is the vortex water treatment. This water treatment not only aims to filter out all of the water impurities and contaminants but to bring water to its most natural form and give it more beneficial capabilities than imaginable. Let’s elaborate further on how vortex water treatment works and all the immeasurable benefits it can bring to your home.
Buy a Water Filter Purification System at World Living Water Systems Ltd.
Through research, we understand how external influences actually affect the water’s structure and molecular form. As water is put through unnatural and harsh water treatments, excessive chemical additives, and constant pumping through pipes, water loses the unique micro-clustered molecular structure that was otherwise there.
The loss of this structure affects the water’s pH balance, dissolved oxygen levels, and even its ability to hydrate. The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ considers all this and tries to return water to its most natural state by implementing something known as the double-spiral, recreating the water’s free flow and movement in nature. This unique and distinct water movement is what gives structured water all of its abilities. Here are some of the great ways The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ can offer you and your home more than just a healthy water filtration solution:
Balanced pH Levels
The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ has proven time and time again that it not only restores the molecular structure but also rebalances the water’s natural pH. If the water we consume becomes too acidic or too alkaline, then it may lead to a disruption to the body’s natural metabolism.
Improved Hydration
The restored water structure makes it easier for water to penetrate deeper into our bodies and cells, hydrating more intensely for longer periods at a time. This is the case not only for consumption but also for showers and swims as well. Additionally, vortex water helps with dry and irritated skin and hair.
Eradication of Bacteria and Viruses
Vortex water has the innate ability to self-clean continuously, eliminating and eradicating all bacteria, viruses, contaminants, and excess hard substances present within the water. With continuous treatment, vortex water becomes more resilient and robust against all pathogens and toxic contaminants.
Higher Dissolved Oxygen Levels
Research has shown that vortex water has higher levels of dissolved oxygen. Dissolved oxygen is essential to the survival of aquatic life and biota, while chlorine and other contaminants can be extremely harmful. Vortex water ensures that wastewater is truly filtered and has a positive effect on the environment around us.
You might be assuming that all these benefits have to be expensive and hard to achieve, but quite the contrary. The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ delivers quick, simple, and affordable quality filtered water. With easy installation and no future maintenance required, having filtered water in your home has never been easier.
You can find the next ideal filter over at The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ and get a 10-year limited warranty as well as a 60-day money-back guarantee.