photo credit: kwerfeldein
As little kids and even into our teenage years, time out’s were very well known for when we misbehaved and our parents felt we needed time to sit back and think about what we did or said. We may have hated it so back then, but now a day’s as adults that time out is something we cherish and often times don’t get enough of. A recent article on TargetStars talked about how refreshing it can be as an adult to give yourself a time out and some signs that show you may need one.
 You’re cranky: Your tolerance level for surprises (i.e. unexpected projects) is relatively low. You find yourself being short tempered with others even though they have done nothing to you.
When you begin forgetting thing’s that often times are usually in the front of your mind is a definite sign that you may benefit greatly from a quick time out. Have you ever read the same sentence or paragraph like 10 times? This usually means your distracted and or tired and it’s time to take a break. Remember that your time out doesn’t have to last so long that you loose a whole day (unless you need a long break), even just a 5 or 10 minute time out is very effective.
Do time out’s benefit you?