If you are in business for yourself and if it’s a some what small operation, chances are you have all of your credit card statements and receipts for the year stuffed away in some droor somewhere or in a shoe box in the closet. Then when it comes time to do your taxes it seems almost impossible to get everything in order so that you get the most of your return.
Rather then having such a crazy time with expensing, make it simple with expensify which is a free online service at the moment. This program takes all of your credit card statements, receipts and other expenses and puts them into a ledgeable and reimburseable manner that anyone can understand.
5 Steps to Expensing- Link your Business Cards; Upload your Receipts; Match Receipts to Charges; Create your Report; Get Reimbursed; Check out the Expensify video.
Have you tried this new expensing program online?