photo credit: jorbasa
Have you been thinking about starting your own first small business? Then I’m sure you have realized that there are many aspects, rules, thoughts, and avenues to go down where owning a small business is concerned. There is a lot of information that gets thrown at you from all different directions and a lot of “red tape”, so to speak, to go through before you see the final product of opening your doors. All this can become quite overwhelming and stressful on a person.
One good tip that I just read about on is about staying focused through your venture. You may feel the need to take to heart every piece of advice that is handed to you or to take on every opportunity that comes your way, but in order to stay true to you and your dream of owning a business you’ll need to be focused on your personal needs and idea.
I’m sure by now you’ve heard the saying “love what you do”, this is everywhere and it is as much true as it is said to be. If you love what you do then there’s a good chance you know quite a bit about what your doing for business as well as a much better chance of you having the determination and strength to see it through good times as well as hard times.
Learn under pressure situations that come your way. In business there is no guarantee, nor is there a perfect anything that exists. There will come a time when something will test you to your fullest, this is where you need to buckle down, push through it, and learn from what went wrong afterwards. By learning from your mistakes you’re more apt to not repeat them.
Be healthy. No, I’m not your mother. However, I promise that you will be much more productive when you take better care of yourself. Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle, not a 9-to-5 profession. Working to the point of exhaustion will burn you out and make you less productive. Don’t make excuses. Eat right, exercise and find time for yourself.