There are plenty of Web apps that can help you make to-do lists, help you organize your tasks and personal projects, or help you build shopping lists, but not all of them give you the freedom to just start brainstorming and jotting down ideas as they come to you.
AppScout reports that Wridea is a perfect brainstorming tool: It’s simple enough that its features aren’t a barrier to use, but it also has the ability to bounce your ideas off other members and friends, add details and steps, and organize your ideas by topic.
Wridea isn’t for everyone; clearly the developers wanted to give people almost a whiteboard for brainstorming and a place they could jot down the ideas running around their heads without having to click a half-dozen times to get to a text prompt.
On the other hand, that also means you don’t get a lot of the features you would expect from some to-do list apps and personal organization Web sites like due-dates, e-mail alerts, and ways to indicate how far along you are on a task.
Wridea also provides a way to visualize your ideas called “Idea Rain,” where your ideas cascade from the top of the screen to the bottom in random order. The idea is to provide a way for you to find inspiration by looking at your own ideas in a random manner, but I’m not entirely sure how useful it is as a tool to stay motivated.
Photo by Wridea.