Overweight and struggling with back pain, Steve Bordley knew he had to do something. His job chained him to a desk for 12 to 14 hours a day. A gunshot injury from a hunting accident had nearly disabled him, leaving him unable to do much outdoor activity, according to a story in The Arizona Republic.
So he fashioned a makeshift desk attached to a recumbent bicycle so he could pedal while he worked. Eventually, he got neck and arm strain. He tinkered with other ideas.
“I tried it with a treadmill as a last resort,” said Bordley, 54, who lives in northeast Phoenix.
After a few weeks, he lost 25 pounds and, better yet, his back was pain-free. “I abandoned the job that I was working toward and I said, ‘I’ve got to bring this to the market,’ ” he said.
Bordley spent several years on research, design and production. He launched the product two months ago, intending to slowly explore the retail market. Instead, there was huge interest when he released the TrekDesk, including features on TV news shows and a radio spot on the “Marketplace Morning Report” segment of KJZZ’s “Morning Edition.”
That’s forced Bordley to speed his plan and he now offers the TrekDesk for sale online at his web site
Photo by TrekDesk.