Some things in life simply happen by accident. Call it fate or call it good luck but Brent Bahler simply calls himself an accidental entrepreneur, reports the Marshall Democrat-News.
He defined an entrepreneur as someone “who has possession of a new enterprise, a venture, an idea; someone who assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks of the outcome.”
Bahler’s aim in the speech, he said, was “to help you help yourselves, because that is what entrepreneurship is all about.”
Bahler said that he didn’t show the signs some people consider as typical of entrepreneurs in their youth, such as starting a lemonade stand, but he is now the president of the “one-man show” Bahler Communications, a consultancy firm working with politicians, advocacy organizations, trade associations and corporations.
He noted that he does not like the term “consultant,” because, he said, it makes it seem that those who practice it are engaged in a con job. But, he added, he himself only serves as a consultant to those with values and objectives that are in line with his moral compass.
Photo by rick