Imagine a single trailer-mounted device that turns scum into over 20,000 gallons of pure water a day, stores electricity better than a battery, makes medical-grade oxygen, and runs on the sun.
A trio of inventors today unveiled the first working model of The HYDRA, a fuel cell-based device they say does all that, at a hydrogen-powered show house in Hopewell, N.J. They are taking orders at $99,500, and targeting the device at medical clinics, schools, remote communities, and disaster relief agencies.
“What we’re doing is using the sun to break water into hydrogen and oxygen, saving the oxygen for medical uses and using the hydrogen to power the fuel cell, which provides the energy to run the water purification system,” said Brad Carlson, COO of The Essential Element, which is commercializing The HYDRA. “So it’s fully self-contained, needs no outside sources of power, and can be delivered to any point on the globe.”
A video of the invention is available after the jump.