Jill Salzman has always been a bit of a Founding Mom, but she can now add author to that list. She recently wrote a new book called Found It: A Field Guide For Entrepreneurial Moms.
Though the subject may be tackled in your book, personally speaking, what do you believe is the most important aspect of starting one’s own business?
Confidence. It’s the trait that is most lacking in entrepreneurs-to-be that I meet. And whether you’re at the point of ideation, of launch, or of year number two in running your business, it’s actually this emotional component that can push you in the direction of profitability or loss. Having the confidence to move forward is really the strongest force that you need to move forward. The rest will follow.
What compelled you to start this newest entrepreneurial venture, The Founding Moms?
I started The Founding Moms out of selfish reasons — I merely wanted to meet other women who had their own companies and who were raising kids at the same time. After starting the first Founding Moms’ Exchange here in Oak Park and having 200 women join in a matter of 6 months, I was astonished and knew I was onto something.