Arizona Republic:
In 2001, Lisa Liddy plunged into growing her book-publishing company, The Printed Page, to take up the slack that followed her husband’s loss of a job in the hospitality industry.
Her business took off, as she and her husband, Joe, concentrated heavily on book design, layout and publishing.
To counter stress resulting from the long hours, Liddy took up beading as a hobby, learning the process at Ahwatukee’s Another Bead Please store, and from books and magazines.
“It was my own Zen garden, getting the bead tray out at night, pushing the beads around till they came together was relaxing to me,” said Liddy, who has lived with her husband and daughter in Ahwatukee since 1990.
Her evening pastime has given birth to two successful businesses — Joolz by Lisa and Metal Me This. Her original jewelry and metalworks have been spotlighted in national trade magazines, including the March cover of Wirework.