Photo by Andre Furtado from Pexels
Solopreneurs often have difficulty letting themselves take a break. However, even if—or maybe especially if—you’re the only one taking care of your business, it’s important to place a high priority on taking care of yourself.
In this post, we look at some quick and fun breaks that solopreneurs and others can give themselves—before they collapse of exhaustion.
Who Are Solopreneurs?
Solopreneurs are entrepreneurs who choose to work by themselves.
Maybe you became a solopreneur because you wanted a fun way of working. You wanted the flexibility of working for yourself and by yourself.
Well, good for you! If your product or service is something other people want and need and you’re good at what you do, success is almost inevitable.
Therefore, it’s best to put some good habits in place when you’re just starting out. It’s also good to develop a plan for the time when success will overtake you and the work will become overwhelming.

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash
Here are some good ideas for you to consider:
Every Solopreneur Needs to Take a Lunch Break Every Day
It can be tempting to eat lunch at your desk while you try to continue working. However, that’s rarely a good idea. Solopreneurs need healthy nutrition, just like everyone else. Plus, you don’t want to end up with a keyboard that’s full of crumbs.
So make it a habit to stop for lunch. And try to make it a healthy lunch, too, even when you feel rushed. If you’re a solopreneur who conducts your business out of your home, for instance, keep plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and other healthy snacks on hand.
On the other hand, do you conduct your business in a coworking space or some other away-from-home facility? Then either brown bag your lunch or walk to a nearby deli where you can grab a quick cup of soup or a salad.
While you’re on your lunch break, be sure to give both your mind and your body a break. Read a few pages from an interesting book, gaze out a window, close your eyes for a few minutes, or take a quick walk.
Get into the Habit of Walking
Speaking of walking, make it a habit to walk every day, or at least most days. Even if it’s only around the block, get yourself some fresh air and sunshine.
Walking is a form of exercise nearly everyone can do. Just fifteen minutes of walking can increase your heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and improve cognitive function. In other words, you’ll go back to work refreshed and energized.
Travel Further Afield
Perhaps you’re a solopreneur who’s longing for a longer break. Then how about checking out a nearby museum or natural wonder? For example, do you live near an ocean or another beautiful body of water? Whatever calls to you, take an afternoon off and drive there.
Alternatively, is there a state or a national park you have always wanted to visit but never have? Couldn’t you put your work on hold for a day or two to visit there?
Or perhaps what’s calling you is some international travel, a place you want to visit that’s been on your bucket list for a while. Then make arrangements in advance with your clients to take a couple of weeks off. Reward yourself for all of your hard work with a well-earned adventure. When you return, you’ll be a solopreneur with so much more to offer your clients.
Treat Yourself to a Really Quick Break
When you need to unwind but you only have a few minutes, why not treat yourself to a few minutes at an online casino? For example, at casino slots on SlottyVegas, you can take a chance on poker, roulette, or baccarat.
Give Yourself a Break
If you plan to continue working as a solopreneur for the long term, you’re going to have to pace yourself. So work hard when it’s time to work hard. But be sure to reward yourself with plenty of fun and relaxing breaks from time to time. The breaks you give yourself will pay off in the long run.
About the Author
Carrol Strain is a Top Rated copywriter on Upwork. She is also editor and on-call writer for the Business Opportunities blog.