Featured image by Rodolfo Clix via Pexels
Determining how much money you can save by making your company more energy efficient is crucial. But sadly, only a handful of buildings have management systems in place that could help a business keep an eye on how it’s using energy. In the end, many businesses waste almost half of the energy they pay for, resulting in significant financial losses.
The secret to reducing energy waste and being more energy efficient is implementing daily hands-on monitoring. This could help companies to save large sums of money over time.
However, if business owners don’t stay up-to-date with their level of energy consumption daily or at least weekly, the loss of energy and ultimately money becomes excessive. At that point it’s difficult to manage. It can be almost impossible to see where and what one can improve.
In other words, finding an approach for managing energy efficiency can transform your business’s financial performance. Find help for doing so online at businessenergycomparison.com.
Rely on Simple Solutions to Make Your Business More Energy Efficient
Here are some ways, in no particular order, that could help your company be more energy efficient:
Save Energy by Turning Devices Off
To save energy, try switching off computers, monitors, printers, copiers, and lights when leaving work for the day. Shutting down the entire computer is not necessary, but turning off the monitor and printer is important.
Use Less Paper
Other ways to reduce your company’s effect on the environment is by cutting down on paper usage. Do this by relying on double-sided printing, or simply by reusing paper.
Also, use email instead of traditional mail for sending memos and documents.
Rely on Prevention
Prevention is always better than cure, regardless of the context. When it comes to energy efficiency, find ways to prevent the over-use of heaters and air conditioners. Start with closing shutters, for instance. This could keep the room from heating up on a warm day in the first place, meaning the need for air conditioning would be minimal.
Closing the doors and windows could also help, as this would stabilize the indoor temperature and the outside extremes would tend to stay outside. Let’s be real: Running the heater or air conditioner with windows or doors open wastes both energy and money.
However, if you take these necessary precautions, you will have less need to adjust the thermostat. Best of all, you will no longer be wasting energy.
Keep Appliances Clean to Improve Energy Efficiency
It is best to clean dusty diffusers and lamps every six to twelve months. Also, turn off lights when you don’t need them. Similarly, signs and other lights that are not required for security and safety should be switched off to minimize energy consumption.
Keep Refrigerators Full for Greater Energy Efficiency
If you want your fridges to function properly, you should keep them full while still allowing enough space for the circulation of cold air. Keep refrigerators in a cool open area that allows for air flow, away from intense sunlight or heat generated by other equipment.
To reduce energy consumption and conserve resources, it is important to take measures such as eliminating heat losses that result from leaks and improper defrosting. Freezing products in batches can also help to maximize energy efficiency.
Keep These Facts in Mind to Make Your Business More Energy Efficient
Here are a few random facts that could save you money and make your business more energy efficient:
- A desktop computer produces around 600 kilograms of greenhouse gases when someone uses it for eight hours a day. While not in use, simply turning off the monitor when taking a break or entering a meeting will save two-thirds of the total energy use. Keep in mind that screen savers do not save any energy.
- Standby power uses between 40 and 90 percent of the total energy used by computer equipment.
- Color printing appears to need more energy than black-and-white printing.
- There will be a reduction in carbon emissions of one ton for every 2,325 kWh of electrical use that you cut.
- You can reduce carbon emissions by one ton for every 6,263 kWh of gas consumption.
- Your company will emit one ton less of carbon dioxide for every 339 liters less fuel oil you use.
Give Your Business More Energy Efficiency with These Tips
Implementing daily hands-on energy monitoring can help to reduce energy waste and make your business more energy efficient. This will also save your company a significant amount of money over time.
By adopting the practices we suggest here, you can make significant progress toward sustainability and environmental stewardship.