Featured image provided by Powered Template
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then finding the right image to accompany a new web page, online copy, or other project can be an excellent means of adding valuable context and aesthetics. And if you’re looking for a stock image that’s just right for your current project, you’ll be sure to find the one that best suits your needs at Powered Template.
According to data from SearchEngineJournal, web content containing images can help to generate 94% more views than text alone. Meanwhile, Tweets containing images attain, on average, 35% more audience engagement.
This means that bringing in the right visual accompaniments for pages and social media content can be imperative. It is essential for making the best possible impression on your audience.
However, the internet can be a difficult place to navigate when it comes to utilizing visual content. Copyright laws online can lead to individuals and companies alike getting into hot water. So you must be careful not to use an unattributed image or a visualization without the creator’s consent.
Powered Template Has a Resource-Rich Library
Fortunately, resources like Powered Template possess a vast library of high-quality images. Professional photographers and graphic designers contribute these images. You can edit them as you wish and freely repurpose them for a variety of use cases.
So if you’re looking to add more life to online copy, or you simply want to earn more social engagements on your posts, consider tapping into Powered Template’s wide range of free and premium images.
Find Your Perfect Pictorial Match
With more than 31,000 stock images throughout Powered Template’s extensive visual library, there’s plenty of opportunity for you to find content that will perfectly support your goals. The vast majority of the stock images are professional quality premium downloads. However, there is a wide variety of free-to-use stock images, too.

As you can see from the image above, there’s no shortage of different image categories to choose from. Users can even select the pictures they want based on orientation. This means that you can select landscape, portrait, and square images with ease.
Many of Powered Template’s stock images can be great contextual accompaniments to articles or content. Moreover, their clear resolution can be ideal. A clear image can help readers to take a brief break from reading long-form content before diving back in.

However, we can also see that there are many great templates that can support business presentations or meeting materials, too.
Using the example above, it’s also clear that Powered Template provides a useful array of information to support an image. We can see the size of the file, its format, the pixels within the image, and, crucially, user ratings. In other words, you will have a star-based insight into how well-received the content is.
Fine-Tune Your Image Selection Process at Powered Template
Choosing the right image to suit your needs isn’t easy. However, Powered Template provides you with the necessary tools to find your perfect visual content.

The platform’s zoom function can help you to get up close and personal with your prospective downloads before you take the plunge. This can help you to better study the pixels and make a decision as to whether the image quality is right for your needs.
For larger image requirements such as posters or full webpage backgrounds, it’s essential that you look for higher resolution stock photos to download. Otherwise, you risk disappointment.
If you decide that you want to take a deeper look at some alternative options, Powered Template features an excellent “Similar” feature. This feature automatically scouts its vast library for alternative options that match the search criteria.
Download Your Image from Powered Template
When exploring the images you want to download, you will discover that premium options are depicted with a red thumbnail featuring a crown. This means that to access the content, you must be a subscriber to Powered Template.

Alternatively, it’s possible to gain instant access to one of Powered Template’s many free images without any requirements to register or sign up. However, to use them you are required to add a visible attribution to Powered Template on the content.

To get started with Powered Template’s premium plans, you can select one of the platform’s many flexible payment options. With prices beginning at $9.95 per month for a maximum of 100 downloads, you’re guaranteed to find the content that’s right for you without breaking the bank.
However, if you’re part of an enterprise that intends to lean heavily on stock photos and the other graphic content that Powered Template offers, it’s possible to set yourself up with a more bespoke plan. This plan offers unlimited downloads for small teams at $399 per year. Access for large teams costs $899 per year.
One of the greatest assets of Powered Template is its flexibility. For example, the platform offers on-demand access to a pre-determined volume of resources that your team can redeem at any time over the course of a year. This plan starts at $24.95. In other words, your Powered Template experience will cater to your specific needs and ambitions.
Images are essential accompaniments that boost your online engagement, impressions, and even click-through rates. Through Powered Template’s extensive library of high-quality stock images, you’ll never have to struggle to find the right visual resources to support your next social post or article again.