A single layoff turned Nicole Dean’s one-income family into a no-income family over night. After that experience she decided to take control of her earning potential and started an online marketing business. That was back in 2001. Today Nicole Dean is not only running her online business successfully but is able to hire 12 work at home moms to keep things running smoothly. Her audiences faithfully visit her websites and purchase her products and services because she gives them exactly what they want. Nicole’s story is one of 101 stories featured in the newly released Chicken Soup for the Soul: Power Moms.
“I feel that my work mentoring and educating online entrepreneurs has become more of a calling than a business. A lot of people are out of work or over their heads in debt right now. The Internet does offer opportunities but it is a vast place. Success depends on how well you equip yourself with knowledge and that’s where I come in,” explains Dean.
Nicole Dean’s website business is focused on providing practical and trusted information for new and existing businesses owners.
Screenshot From Nicole Dean