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Remote work is the way of the future. However, during remote interviews, hiring managers can find it challenging to get an accurate read on candidates who are shielded by Zoom video pixilation and internet lag. Therefore, it is necessary to streamline the interview process. This is because it is important to obtain meaningful insights in your recruitment initiatives.
Ask pertinent questions during remote interviews that will provide a better understanding of your candidate and determine if someone is a good fit for your company. Those HR professionals who are navigating the maze of hiring during the COVID-19 era face extraordinary challenges. Above all, they should note that candidates applying for remote positions must fulfill unique requirements and demonstrate specific skills related to working from home.
For example, advanced communication capabilities are vital for an employee to thrive in a fast-paced remote work environment. It’s also imperative that the person you choose is focused, driven, and easily self-motivated. By asking relevant questions during the initial interviews, you will be able to spot these skills among the candidates in your lineup.
Remote Tools During the Interview and Beyond
Moreover, with a growing number of employers fully transitioning to a work-from-home setup, technology-based office solutions promise to set your office up for success. Zoom, G-Suite, Skype, Google Hangouts make midday meetings a cinch. Additionally, companies that offer virtual offices like iPostal1 (www.ipostal1.com) can bring the feeling of an in-person office to a remote workspace.
Remote employees can slip these work-from-home (WFH) essentials into their toolbelts. Then employers can maximize the benefits of having a staff that works from home.
So get your ducks in a row. Now it’s time to prep for remote interviews and officially kickstart the recruitment process.
What interests you about working remotely? Have you ever been interviewed or worked remotely before?
Understanding why candidates want to work remotely is crucial. If they think it will be easier than working in an office, cut them loose. Instead, pick someone who wants to work in an off-site location because they can optimize productivity in a WFH scenario. If the candidate you’re interviewing shares that they’ve worked remotely in the past, consider this experience a major bonus. Having that experience will set them up to thrive. It will make it an easy for them to transition to work for you and your company.
How do you plan on communicating with the team effectively?
Inquiring during a remote interview about the potential employee’s communication style will grant you an inside look into what it would be like to work with them. Streamlined communication between employers and employees is necessary to remain consistently on the same page. Open and honest communication is essential in any job. What’s more, relaying concerns becomes all the more vital when working remotely.
How do you stay focused and organized?
Staying organized is one of the most important aspects of working from home. Good signs are if someone uses a planner or keeps a to-do list. These good habits illustrate that the candidate in question is committed to staying on task and being the best worker for you they can be.
What are three things you always have in your at-home workspace, and why?
When everyone is working in the office, you can perform a quick scan of your staff members’ desks in person. Surprisingly, the items they display and how they decorate can provide insight into an employee’s unique interests. This can reveal their bad habits as well as their organizational style. Similarly, asking someone during a remote interview what items they always have on their desk at home will give you a glimpse into who they are. You will gain an understanding of what is important to them while they are working.
How do you transition out of your workday?
When working from home, the ability to separate your workday from your personal life is a rare find in the candidate pool. Striking that balance is vital to ensure that employees don’t reach a point of no return. Those who do can suffer from a case of workplace burnout and lead the employee to resent their job. Helping your workers establish those boundaries and giving them the tools they need to create a more isolated workspace will make all the difference.
Final Thoughts About Interviewing Candidates Remotely
To make working remotely successful as an employer, you will need to trust your workers. Believing that they are completing their tasks and working hard until proven otherwise is a surefire way to steer clear of micromanaging tendencies. In the long run, a zero-tolerance policy for helicopter supervising will guarantee that your employees respect you and enjoy their time working for your company.
But first, hone your remote interviewing skills and be sure to ask the right questions before you hire. Hiring the right candidates will make the greatest difference of all.