
Measuring Competencies: Get More Out of Your Employees

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Business owners and managers understand that success comes when employees give their all. But, all of what? What exactly is the key to better job competencies? This is a question with many different answers depending on your industry and the unique characteristics of your company. Ultimately, every business is looking for the answer, but no two will arrive at the same solution.

Today, modern HR software helps companies organize around measuring competencies using automation. So, businesses can now quickly identify their own needs and ensure they align with what their employees bring. Measuring competencies is crucial from when the job interview is competed to retirement and beyond. Here’s how it works.

Create Better Job Descriptions

HR may understandably struggle to put together job descriptions containing the key elements for each position. It’s difficult to know the ins and outs of every job that needs filling, especially for large organizations with multiple divisions. 

Job description software gives your HR an AI boost right from the start. It identifies and attracts employees who are truly the best fit in less time. The AI will hone in on the competencies that matter, and your HR personnel can add their own inputs as needed. Such an approach frees up your HR team for other meaningful tasks. 


Inquire Between the Right Lines 

It isn’t enough to bring excellent candidates to the interview. The questions need to deeply probe around competencies to ensure further alignment. The best platforms have an enormous database of high-quality competency-based questions that interviewers can lean on. However, of course, they are free to ask any question they’d like.

By linking the initial job description to the interview closely, companies can feel confident that they are building teams that truly have the best stuff to succeed. Taking an impartial and data-driven approach helps businesses steer clear of any accidental biases during the hiring process. So, they build better teams and avoid any ugly lawsuits over workplace discrimination.


Include Ongoing Evaluations

Since competencies are what companies know they will need from employees moving forward, they also make up the fundamental component of evaluations moving forward. Managers can give employees specific targets supported by hard data, not just anecdotes.

When employees have clear targets and directions, they’re in a position to succeed. This knowledge lets each employee map out their career because they understand what skills and behaviors are needed to reach their next promotion.

Likewise, it also lets organizations map out and structure their operations to ensure the best talent is always in the correct position. From the time a new employee starts on their first day to succession planning, everybody in the organization wins when competencies are the guiding directive.

Final Thoughts

Hiring on a “merit” basis ends up being a type of circular trap because the devil is in the details. It also can be hard to pinpoint what merit entails. Choosing to measure employees by competencies is the most efficient way to get the best job performance possible, and it also gives each member of the team the structure and support they need.