Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels
These days, it seems as if everybody is using website infographics. Therefore, you have to create yours differently, or your website infographics will be dull and nobody will pay attention. Fortunately, there are some creative and effective ways to create powerful website infographics. Here are eight of the most effective:
Do Your Research
Dig up as much information as you can. This will give you more data to choose from when you assemble your infographic. If you want to make your website infographics powerful, you have to say something genuinely new and useful. So take your time when you’re doing research, and find the most compelling facts and figures you possibly can.
Tell a Story
Every infographic should convey a central idea or concept. An infographic that has a lot of information and graphics but fails to convey a central idea will fall flat. So tell the story and tell it well. Connect the dots with images, text, and statistics. Then weave it all into a captivating story about something your users want or need to know.
Give Your Website Infographics Flawless Style
Style it to perfection. Don’t make it too scholarly or pedestrian. Neither make it vague or obvious. There should be a balance between the information and the graphics. Become a master of style and you will make your website infographics truly stand out. If you need a little help, turn to a professional designer like G Squared.
Make Use of Statistics
An infographic is than just a collection of boxes of text. In other words, don’t make the mistake of making your infographic text-heavy. At the same time, make it powerful with pertinent statistics. That is, prove your point and make an impact with a few simple data points or statistics.
Use a Variety of Graphs and Charts
In addition to text, you will also need graphs and charts as well as other images. But be sure to use variety in your graphs and charts, or your viewers will find your infographic dull.
Use Colors Effectively
Never forget the “graphics” in your website infographics. Use colors to create impact. Whether subtle or bold, effective use of color will make your website infographics powerful.
Make It Shareable
What’s the point of an infographic that is not easy to share? Always keep in mind while you’re creating your infographic that it’s meant to circulate. So make it share-worthy as well as easily shareable on blog posts and other social media.
Keep It Simple
Simplicity is the ultimate in sophistication. So keep it simple in the flow of information as well as in your use of images, graphs, and charts. Make sure that people will find it easy to navigate. In this way, more of them will read and appreciate it.
As you can see, it takes a variety of factors combined in compelling ways to make an infographic that is powerful and appealing. However, by following these basic principles, you can learn to create stunning website infographics that your users will love.