Featured photo by Greg Bulla on Unsplash
One thing is certain: You cannot hope to stand your ground in the online business world without a strong social media presence. This is what makes social media in general, and Facebook in particular, so important. With its 2.6 billion users, Facebook is a giant in the online world. Therefore, you need to make your Facebook business page more persuasive and inviting.
Because of the vast numbers of brands and businesses that have gone online in every niche, it is pretty difficult to make a mark. Besides, Facebook ensures that its users see only content that’s relevant to them. In such circumstances, standing out from the crowd is tough to accomplish. However, an attractive business page and profile on Facebook will go a long way.
Read on to learn about six easy ways to make your Facebook business page more attractive.
Understand the Facebook Newsfeed Algorithms
Your Facebook newsfeed might appear random to you at first glance, but it is not. What is at play is a carefully crafted algorithm. This ensures that every Facebook users sees content that is tailored to them. Who their friends are, what kind of content they like and comment on, and what kinds of things they are looking for on the Internet are a few of the guiding factors.
Additionally, Facebook also watches for negative feedback, posting frequency, and relevance. The ultimate aim of Facebook’s unique newsfeed algorithm is an enriched user experience. This is something that you, as a Facebook business page owner, must be aware of. You need to design your page and its elements according to users’ interests and make it more inviting for the people you’re trying to attract.
Understanding this solves half the problem, doesn’t it? The first and foremost tip to make your Facebook business page more attractive is to align with your users’ interests.
So research on the Internet in general and Facebook in particular about the latest topics and biggest draws. Try to keep track of which of your content garners more likes and comments. Keep tabs on what is working and what is not for pages similar to yours. All of this information will help you to craft your page intelligently and help make it more attractive than before.
Develop an Attractive Brand Image for Your Facebook Business Page
Your focus when creating an attractive business page on Facebook must be on your business. After all, it is your business and your brand that you are trying to market. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you market your business as a successful brand on the platform.
The idea is to bring your brand to life even if a user is looking at a small screen while lounging on a couch or chair. Use a specific color palette that is unique to your brand’s logo and title. Make this color palette uniform whenever you are planning posts, images, or graphics.
You can use Canva to create authentic and gorgeous posts easily. Once you have built an image for your brand, try sticking to it in terms of the vibe and collective visual appeal for your Facebook business page.
Post an Appealing Cover Image and Description on Your Facebook Business Page
Once in a while, some of your posts probably receive more attention on Facebook than the rest. Learn to direct audiences from these occasional posts to your page and other content by styling in alignment with the cover page for your Facebook business page.
Because your cover page is so important, it would be wise for you to spend some time picking out an attractive cover image for your profile. This image must be sufficient to depict graphically the main idea behind your business. It can be a photograph or a free image picked from somewhere on the Internet. Alternatively, you could use your logo or tagline or even a graphic piece. The aim should be to generate a lot of curiosity, attention, and attraction because of the image itself.
Another important factor is the description of your page. Not everyone would want to scroll down and see the kind of content you work with. Therefore, a short, interesting description can convey in simple words what your business offers.
Publish Content Frequently
One of the key aims of a Facebook business page is to earn more followers and likes with each passing day. Unlike some believe, this is not a gargantuan task. In fact, there are several ways to increase your engagement and following on Facebook. For example, refer to these places to buy Facebook likes or followers. Your choice will depend most of all on the period during which you want your page to grow.
However, if you possess the flexibility and freedom in terms of time, an organic approach for making your page grow is better. For this, your first focus must be to post content frequently. A social media manager can help for this purpose. This person can assist you in scheduling and uploading content on a timely basis. This frequent posting not only makes your page look more active but also makes it more attractive.
Keep up with the Latest Trends
Social media is replete with trends and buzz. The latest could be about some recent event or news that has taken social media by storm. Or it could be a viral meme or gif that is the talk of the online world. Learn to make use of current trends and happenings to make your Facebook business page more appealing.
One of the places to start is to keep tabs on other Facebook business pages as well as business pages on other social media platforms. Occasionally, a particular meme becomes so trendy that every Instagram and Facebook page tries to incorporate it into their content.
Your aim should be to accommodate such popular memes and gifs into your content—but only every once in a while. After all, if you’re trying to stand out, you don’t want to become just one of the herd.
On the other hand, entertainment and humor have the power to drive any kind of content on social media these days. So whatever your niche, focus on making your page more compelling with this simple idea.
Pay Special Attention to Thumbnail Photos and Links
One of the key ideas to be successful on any platform is to learn how to deal with its exclusive features. For example, Facebook’s features are a lot different from those of Instagram or YouTube. Your focus should be to groom your content according to whatever platform you’re working with. For Facebook, the most important consideration is the appearance of content thumbnails on your page.
Therefore, be careful to choose the most suitable thumbnail photo and headline to feature on your business page. To do this, place yourself in visitors’ shoes and think about what might best attract. This should guide not just the choice of picture for the thumbnail but also the title. Words like “surprising,” and “best” make for a superlative effect on a visitor’s mind and invite them into reading your article or visiting your page. Phrases such as, “Did you know?” or “how to (fill in the blank)” are also attractive to visitors.
Your Facebook Business Page Can Make the Difference in Your Business’s Online Success
There is no doubt that a business can become a success only by way of a strong online presence today. However, your online presence does not have to be loud and crass. A pleasing but powerful appearance can work wonders for your Facebook business page as well as elsewhere online.
Your central focus should be, first, to build your brand or business’s image online. After that, you need to focus on gaining more likes and followers. There are several places to buy Facebook followers for this purpose.
Finally, focus on promoting your brand and actively coordinating your other social media pages. Your aim should be to direct more and more users to your Facebook business page and your business. With these few simple steps, you can create a successful and continually growing Facebook business page over time.