animal blog

How to Monetize an Animal Blog

Featured image by Elisa Kennemer on Unsplash

An animal blog is one of the most effective ways to make money online. If you have a cute pet, you can make it an internet superstar. 


Many people decide to get a pet at some point in their lives. Some want to fight loneliness and have someone to take care of. Others just cannot imagine their lives without four-legged friends. Still others have been dreaming of such a step for a long time.

Every case is unique, but most pet owners believe that their furry buddy is too cute and amazing to remain in the shadows. So some people start a blog on behalf of their pet and make it the internet celebrity.

Such a step has many advantages. In fact, it can be beneficial for both you and your furry family member. For example, if you do everything right, you could get the best dry dog food for large breeds free of charge. Dog lovers know that such products can cost a fortune. The same goes for feeding other animal species, so it doesn’t matter what kind of pet you have.

Would you like to create and monetize an animal blog for your pet? Here’s how.

Can Your Pet Become an Instagram Celebrity?

Have you scrolled through numerous animal blogs? And do your searches leave you so inspired that you’re thinking about starting your own blog?

If so, first reflect on your pet’s image. If you carefully study animal profiles, you will understand that not all blogs have gained the same popularity for one reason or another. Pet owners who own successful blogs use their four-legged friends’ peculiarities to the fullest.

Show Off Your Animal’s External Appeal on Your Blog

Most online platforms are about providing visual content, so this is of crucial importance. If you want to bet on your pet’s external beauty and make the audience pay attention to your blog because of it, your pet must stand out from the rest with its appearance. It is not enough to be just cute as all other animals of the species. Show off those things about your pet’s appearance that make it appealing.

However, on the other hand, you could get on the “anti-beauty” bandwagon. Does your pet’s appearance stand out with an interesting but still cute malformation? For example, does your pet have strabismus? Or does he or she exhibit a wry or angry face like the famous Grumpy Cat?

People gravitate toward the unusual. So a pet with a peculiar appearance will have a good chance to succeed. Even if your cat or dog just has heterochromia or an outstanding coat pattern, these traits could help your pet become a star.

Does Your Pet Have a Heart-Warming Story?

Some pets, just like some people, come with stories filled with unexpected life turns. For example, if you rescued your pet under unusual circumstances or your buddy is not the usual pet, tell its story on social networks. If your pet has a favorite cute toy, such a plot can also work online. People like emotionally touching animal profiles that make them smile and melt.

Write About Your Pet’s Interesting Lifestyle

Suppose your pet doesn’t have any outstanding habits or peculiarities, but you still want to start an animal blog. In that case, give your imagination free rein and create the story yourself. On Instagram, you’ll find dozens of cute animal profiles. Many of these depict the animals’ “lifestyles” and travel adventures. The main thing here is to find time to create bright and catchy content. You’ll want to include more than just Fromm cat food reviews and the like.

How Do Animal Blogs Make Money?

The bigger your audience, the more opportunities you will get to monetize your blog. Today, this process has become easier, since micro-influencers attract brands almost as well as big name internet celebrities do. So don’t hesitate to make your own dreams of starting an animal blog come true.

1. Sell Merchandise on Your Animal Blog

It doesn’t matter what kind of pet you have. If your pet becomes famous because of your blog, you will make money with a merch campaign.

What’s more, your merchandise can feature any type of goods, perhaps with a portrait or special quote associated with your pet. Let your customers choose from T-shirts, mugs, shopping bags, even stationery.

However, you might be able to come up with something more creative. For example, if everyone knows that your pet is a sleepyhead, you can work on creating branded sleep masks or pajamas. And if you are the lucky owner of an active pet, you can provide your pet’s admirers with a chance to purchase replicas of its favorite toys. You can use your animal blog for promoting your merchandise.


2. Accept Sponsored Posts

Once you have a relatively big audience, you can start looking for partnerships for your animal blog. It is better to start with quality products you’ve already used and offer the brand to your readers. In other words, you can become the ambassador for that product.

Start by doing some ads for free at first and suggest some products on your own initiative. When you do, marketers for that brand will have something to go on when deciding to place an ad post order with your blog.


3. Collaborate with Other Brands

When you have built your name on the market, begin reaching out designers as well as other brands to arrange for collaborating. Usually, collaborations will be about using animals’ pictures and creating an ad campaign on each other’s blogs.

The main thing here is to choose to work with brands that are on similar wavelengths as your blog. In other words, work with other bloggers and designers whose tone of voice is similar to yours. Also, ensure they follow principles that align with your own.

Are You Itching to Get Started?

If you know you want to start an animal blog but you’re still feeling hesitant, spend some time studying other people’s blogs. You’re sure to find the inspiration you need.