May 4, 2010

Sell Your By-Products

Here is an excerpt from the new book, Rework, by Jason Fried and David Hansson of 37 Signals. Sell Your By-Products When you make something, you always make something else. You can’t make just one thing. Everything has a by-product. Observant and creative business minds spot these by-products and see opportunities. The lumber industry sells

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Somerset County Stores Fit Learning Express Franchisee Learning Express toy store owner Rick Grossman invites adults to once again explore their youth. Throughout his store in the Hillsborough Promenade, there are plush animals, games, crafts, puzzles, dolls and blocks. There are tiny, live frogs swimming in aquariums, miniature erasers in the shape of Japanese-inspired characters and rubber-band bracelets in the shape

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