
Would A “Common App” Help?

When it comes to the government, small businesses can expect to full out a mountain of paperwork for anything from accreditation to government contracts. Politico recently shared an idea for a common application they think would help. The Small Business “common app” would function much like the one that students complete to apply to multiple

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Presenting Like Steve Jobs

If you need a lesson on presenting, there is no better man to emulate than Steve Jobs. Entrepreneur has pulled together a list of his qualities you should consider. 1. Know the one critical point in your presentation — then make it clear. 2. Acknowledge why people are listening to you. 3. Make an immediate,

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Hesitant To Hire?

Here is why some of your counterparts may feel the same way, as reported by The Times-Tribune. The economy is growing, but that growth has slowed – and so has the pace of hiring among businesses with fewer than 500 employees. The U.S. economy grew at an annual rate of just 2.2 percent from January

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Strapless iPod Nano Watch

This approach isn’t for the queasy. However, if you’re sick of being limited to straps for turning your iPod Nano into a watch, one man has created what he calls the iDermal, reports Time. And, on first glance, the idea of iPod magically attached to your wrist as if it’s being held by magnets may

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